Saturday, June 20, 2009

Hair Talk....

It's a Saturday night...I'm still a little under the weather with no plans for this weekend SO why not talk a little about my hair!! haha lol. Well if you look at the first picture those are my permed tresses!! I've had a perm for years! Maybe ever since I was in the fifth grade. Now I'm 22 years of age and my LAST PERM FOREVER WAS sometime in November! Nobody actually believed that I could go cold turkey when it came to the creamy crack lol because whenever you saw my hair it was fresh and always in a nice wrap and I never ever wanted to go past 6 weeks without a perm because my hair would be "too hard" to manage. Well a not to long ago close friend of mine LT (I don't think he has to much to say to me anymore lol that's another post though) got me into different youtubers with natural hair and he was like I think your hair would be great that way! I was like no no that's not for me and blah blah. Finally I thought about it to myself and thought why not?? I always liked my hair curly from roll -n- sets why not go for my natural curls! I wanted a drastic change and healthier hair! It was either dye it, cut it into a cute cut or go natural! I picked natural!! I transitioned for 6 months and FINALLY did the BC (big chop) May 26, 2009!! So I will be completely natural for a month on June 26th! When I did it I felt so rejuvenated and free!! I love it and I can't wait until it grows longer! I don't regret any decisions with my hair at all and I'm glad that I am educating myself more about hair and I feel that alot more people should do the same because the ignorance I see behind hair is very sad. This is the new me and I'm loving it :)

1 comment:

So Tenacious said...

Its funny when I think back on when we were lil and we used to be stuck on that "I need a perm" phase in order to feel pretty. I'm SO GLAD I've grown outta that!