Wednesday, September 23, 2009

To be or Not to be...that is the question...

You ever wonder what your purpose in life is and what you are suppose to be? Doesn't it seem like it was easy for those with great careers to figure out their calling? It's 2:02 a.m. and I am asking myself WHAT AM I SUPPOSE TO BE? I have no idea!! I have so many things that I want to achieve in life that I don't even know where to start! Lately I have really been thinking about changing my major to Marketing and Fashion. Why? Because I love shoes! I would love to be a designer but I can't draw or design so I'm playing on my strengths! I want to be a buyer for a company! I want to be a buyer for a company that sells shoes! A good example would be a company like ALDO! I love learning about the new styles, examining what type of shoes other women like, and I want to have an in depth understanding about what's in style and what is not. My other option is to basically open my own store because I don't want to work for anybody forever...that's just me though. I am kind of scared right now because I don't know where my life will take me in the next year or two! It's scary and exciting at the same time lol My first dilemma is where do I get an internship next summer? Do I stay in FL or do I move to another state? What if I don't get a job? Where would I get a job? I need money! Do I take a break after my B.A.S or do I go straight for my Masters? AHHHHH!!! Decisions...Decisions...I think it's bedtime...


Anonymous said...

Just hang in there and don't let your dream die. Always follow your dreams and believe in yourself. You will make it.

So Tenacious said...

Gurl calm down with all those questions! Do like my mama them told me. You'll worry about all that when you get close to that time! lol..You'll live wherever you get the job, and you'll be happy!

Katlynne/Ms. Downlow said...

I feel you, I'm a law student, but becoming more interested in writing!

You're asking all the right questions, so you're gonna do fabulous no matter what u decide!

Thanks for following me! I'm gonna enjoy following u 2.